The Jim Clark Trust
About The Trust
The Jim Clark Trust is dedicated to promoting and celebrating the story of Jim Clark who won two Formula One Championships in 1963 & 1965 and the Indianapolis 500. The charity was formed in 2015 to help support, fund and operate the new Jim Clark Motorsport Museum. The origins of the Trust date back to the original Jim Clark Memorial Room opened in 1969 by Jim’s parents James and Helen and is still run by relatives of the Clark family. The Jim Clark Cafe Bistro and Jim Clark Trail are operated by the Trust with profits going to charity to enhance the experience of visitors to the Museum and support tourism, culture and economic benefits in the Scottish Borders… the place Jim Clark cherished and called home. Our charitable aims focus on Heritage, Education and Inspiration.
Meet the Team
We have a small but very dedicated team from a variety of backgrounds. If you think you could contribute to keeping Jim Clark’s legacy alive then please get in touch by emailing us at: info@jimclarktrust.com
Trustees & Patrons
- Doug Niven, Family Trustee
- Ian Calder, Family Trustee
- Keith Henderson, Family Trustee
- Lawrence Johnston, Trustee
- Gregor Barr, Trustee
- Michael Deans, Trustee
The Jim Clark Trust is formally constituted as a Scottish Charitable Incorporate Organisation (SCIO) Registration SC046092. The Trustees meet on a regular basis, both monthly and quarterly to administer the charity. The Trust is fortunate to have the support of a number of high profile Patrons from the world of motorsport including our Honorary President, Sir Jackie Stewart OBE, a fellow Scot and close friend of Jim Clark.
Partners & Supporters
Over the past 7 years The Jim Clark Trust is extremely grateful to all our Partners & Supporters and volunteers who have helped with the fundraising, planning and development of the new £1.7m Jim Clark Motorsport Museum. The new Museum is a partnership project with funding from Heritage Lottery Fund, Scottish Borders Council, Live Borders and The Jim Clark Trust with grant funding from the Fallago Environment Fund. Our Partners & Supporters include public bodies, grants and donations from organisations, sponsors and private individuals. We are pleased to acknowledge supporters on our donors board at the entrance to the museum.
We are reliant on your support and welcome enquiries to help with donations and sponsorship: Doug Niven, Trustee: doug.niven@jimclarktrust.com
Help Support the Trust
As a charity we are reliant on donations and very grateful for your support. Our ambition is to inspire future generations through celebrating the life of Jim Clark, a story that transcends time and sport. Donations go to help fund and operate the Jim Clark Motorsport Museum, the Jim Clark Trail, and activities to promote Heritage, Education and Inspiration. In 2021 we are fundraising to help support school visits to the new museum.
The Jim Clark Motorsport Museum is home to a unique collection of trophies, memorabilia, artifacts, film and imagery. We welcome donations of memorabilia and are extremely grateful for gifts or items on loan to add to our collection. Please help us create the world’s greatest Jim Clark collection for future generations.
The Jim Clark Trust is a small charity and we welcome the support of volunteers. Volunteering ranges from support at the Museum, the Trail, administration, archiving, marketing and at events.
For donations, memorabilia or volunteering, please contact: Doug Niven, Trustee: doug.niven@jimclarktrust.com
To donate via JustGiving: